Publicaciones relacionadas con la etiqueta HALLOWEEN
    Escrito por José Andrés Cruz Hortal, domingo 13 de diciembre de 2020 , 22:49 hs , en El papel de la FP


    This year, the students of 3rd ESO British decided to do scary short films. The 9 students were divided in three groups and each one made a different film. They spent two weeks brainstorming the idea, recording and editing. But finally, the result was worth it and they obtained wonderful results.

    Then, the rest of students of 3rd ESO B interviewed the participants of each short asking these questions:

    Miguel pays for it

    - Where did the idea of the short film come from? *At the beginning we didn´t know what we were going to do but, then Miguel gave us the great idea.

    -In which places did you record?

    *All the scenes were recorded in different parts of the high school, for example the classroom 37 and upstairs in 4th grade.

    -How much time did you spend doing it?

    *We spent more or less two weeks planning, filming and editing the video

    The misterious man

    -Who is the mysterious man?

    *In the first scene, David was the misterious man, because Pablo couldn´t climb on the train and in the other scenes Pablo was the misterious man.

    -How the story ends and what happened with Ángela?

    *At the end, Ángela after suffering that many hallucinations, she dies on the hands of the misterious man, we didn´t record the scene of the misterious man killing Ángela because we wanted people to think about the end of the film.

    What about me?

    -Who had the idea of this film?

    *At first, we didn´t know what to do, but Violeta had the idea of introducing a twin sister to the story and Natalia helped with some details.

    -Was recording difficult?

    *Yes, we think that was difficult to film it, because it was raining and we didn´t have time enough

    -Did you have fun?

    *During the recording we were a little bit nervous because we didn´t have enough time and because it was very hard to film without laughing, but in general we enjoyed it.

    Good bye, friends!

    Abril Arteaga Robles 3ºB


    Miguel pays for it 


    The misterious man 


     What about me?

    Etiquetas: halloween inglés brititsh